ISOMETER® iso1685DP/isoHV1685D/isoLR1685DP

  • 绝缘监视仪,应用于交流1000V和直流1500V的IT系统
  • 应用于连接变频器的主回路
  • 独立可调的响应值,其范围:200 Ω…1 MΩ
  • 用于EDS绝缘故障定位系统的显示和控制功能
  • 可扩展为绝缘故障定位系统

The ISOMETER® isoxx1685Dx-x25 is used for insulation monitoring of extensive IT systems. The specially developed measurement method monitors the insulation resistance also in installations where extremely high system leakage capacitances against earth exist due to interference suppression methods. Adaptation to system-related high leakage capacitances also occurs automatically.

The ISOMETER® iso1685Dxx generates locating current pulses required for insulation fault location. That allows the localisation of the insulation fault using permanently installed or mobile insulation fault locators.

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ISOMETER® iso1685DP-425/isoHV1685D-425/isoLR1685DP-325
ISOMETER® iso1685DP-425/isoHV1685D-425/isoLR1685DP-325
  • 绝缘监视仪,应用于交流1000V和直流1500V的IT系统
  • 应用于连接变频器的主回路
  • 独立可调的响应值,其范围:200 Ω…1 MΩ
  • 用于EDS绝缘故障定位系统的显示和控制功能
  • 可扩展为绝缘故障定位系统

The ISOMETER® isoxx1685Dx-x25 is used for insulation monitoring of extensive IT systems. The specially developed measurement method monitors the insulation resistance also in installations where extremely high system leakage capacitances against earth exist due to interference suppression methods. Adaptation to system-related high leakage capacitances also occurs automatically.

The ISOMETER® iso1685Dxx generates locating current pulses required for insulation fault location. That allows the localisation of the insulation fault using permanently installed or mobile insulation fault locators.

问题? 联系我们!


  • ISOMETER®用于带电连接整流器或逆变器的IT交流系统和IT直流系统(IT = 不接地系统)
  • 自适应到现有的系统泄露电容
  • 组合AMPPlus和其他特定配置的测量方法
  • 2组独立可调响应值报警1和报警2,其范围为1 kΩ…10 MΩ f
  • 高分辨率图形液晶显示屏
  • 连接监视(测量线路的监视)
  • 设备自动自检
  • 用图形表示随时间变化的绝缘电阻值(isoGraph)
  • 具有实时时钟(缓冲三天)的历史记忆的功能,可存储1023条带有日期和时间的报警信息
  • 可自由编程的数字输入和输出
  • 可通过Internet或Intranet 远程设置(COMTRAXX® 网关)
  • 通过互联网可进行全球远程诊断(仅由本德尔服务部门进行服务)
  • RS-485接口用于与其他本德尔设备通讯


  • 测量绝缘故障 200 Ω…1 MΩ


  • 测量绝缘故障 20 Ω…100 kΩ


  • 在主电压AC 2000 V, DC 3000 V时,测量绝缘故障200Ω …1MΩ


  • 故障电流发射器用于选择绝缘故障位置
  • 通过EDS系统,可以显示绝缘故障的位置
  • EDS系统的参数设置
  • 可以为客户定制每个测量通道的特定文本


  • 广泛应用于高达交流2000V和直流3000V的IT系统

ISOMETER® iso1685DP/isoHV1685D/isoLR1685DP 变体

isoLR1685DP-32520 Ω…100 kΩAC 0…690 V / DC 0…690 VDC 18…30 VB91065803
isoHV1685D-425200 Ω…1 MΩAC 0…2000 V / DC 0…3000 VDC 18…30 VB91065805
iso1685DP-425200 Ω…1 MΩAC 0…1000 V / DC 0…1500 VDC 18…30 VB91065802

* 绝对值

下载 ISOMETER® iso1685DP/isoHV1685D/isoLR1685DP

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isoXX1685 CE 合格声明 89.1 KB 2023/06/1212.06.2023
iso1685DP-425/isoHV1685D-425/isoLR1685DP-325 手册 7.1 MB DE2022/09/2727.09.2022D00272
iso1685DP-425/isoHV1685D-425/isoLR1685DP-325 手册 7.2 MB EN2022/09/2727.09.2022D00272
iso1685DP-425/isoHV1685D-425/isoLR1685DP-325 技术规格书 681.5 KB DE2022/09/2828.09.2022D00272
iso1685DP-425/isoHV1685D-425/isoLR1685DP-325 技术规格书 678.5 KB EN2022/09/2828.09.2022D00272
iso1685DP-425/isoHV1685D-425/isoLR1685DP-325 快速启动 707.0 KB DE2024/05/2929.05.2024D00272
iso1685DP-425/isoHV1685D-425/isoLR1685DP-325 快速启动 707.0 KB EN2024/05/2929.05.2024D00272
iso1685DP-425/isoHV1685D-425/isoLR1685DP-325 快速启动 707.5 KB FR2024/05/2929.05.2024D00272
iso1685DP-425/isoHV1685D-425/isoLR1685DP-325 快速启动 707.5 KB ES2024/05/2929.05.2024D00272
iso1685DP-425/isoHV1685D-425/isoLR1685DP-325 技术规格书 680.4 KB FR2022/09/2828.09.2022D00272
iso1685DP-425/isoHV1685D-425/isoLR1685DP-325 技术规格书 570.3 KB ES2022/09/2828.09.2022D00272
isoxx1685Dx Gerätefamilie - Modbus-Einstellung 手册 311.4 KB DE2020/06/1010.06.2020D00272
isoxx1685Dx Device family - Modbus settings 手册 153.8 KB EN2022/11/0404.11.2022D00272
iso1685 Set V2.3 软件 190.0 KB 2024/04/2323.04.2024
Gamme de produits - IMD: le chaffeur par induction 产品概览 880.8 KB FR2021/01/1313.01.2021
IMD: Inductive heating 产品概览 844.0 KB EN2021/01/1313.01.2021
Produktübersicht - IMD: Induktives Erwärmen 产品概览 880.9 KB DE2021/01/1313.01.2021