交直流敏感型剩余电流监视模块RCMB104与测量电流互感器CTBC17…以及A型RCD组合,可用于电动汽车的交流充电系统中发生的交流或者直流故障的监视。额定电压Un是250V,额定电流(充电电流)In = 1 x 48 A / 3 x 32 A。RCMB104能够集成到充电单元(IC-CPD, 暗线箱)且符合标准IEC 61851-22、IEC 62752和UL 2231-2。



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交直流敏感型剩余电流监视模块RCMB104与测量电流互感器CTBC17…以及A型RCD组合,可用于电动汽车的交流充电系统中发生的交流或者直流故障的监视。额定电压Un是250V,额定电流(充电电流)In = 1 x 48 A / 3 x 32 A。RCMB104能够集成到充电单元(IC-CPD, 暗线箱)且符合标准IEC 61851-22、IEC 62752和UL 2231-2。



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  • Four outputs (Switch1, Switch2, Error, PWM)
  • Measuring range ±300 mA
  • Residual current resolution 0.2 mA
  • Patented measurement technology (Patents: EP 2 571 128 / US 9,397,494 / ZL 201210157968.6 / CN 103001175, EP 2 813 856)
  • Load current up to 32 A RMS (single-phase) or 3 x 32 A RMS (three-phase) (depends on device)
  • Fault output (integrated self monitoring and test functions)
  • High insensitivity to external interferences
  • Available variants for application according to DIN EN 61851-22/IEC 62752 and UL 2231-2
  • Wide range of use even in severe environments (e.g. in the event of external interference fields)
  • In applications according to IEC 62752, the device can replace a type B RCD when combined with a type A RCD and a suitable switching device (e.g. a power relay).


  • AC charging systems for electric vehicles

RCMB104 变体

TypeDescriptionArt. No.
RCMB104-10…2 kHz IEC 6/30 mAB94042480
RCMB104-20…2 kHz UL 2231 5/20 mAB94042481
CTBC17Measuring current transformer Ø = 17 mmB98080070
CTBC17-Cable180MMConnection cable 180 ± 30 mmB98080540
CTBC17-Cable325MMConnection cable 325 ± 25 mmB98080541
CTBC17-Cable600MMConnection cable 600 ± 30 mmB98080543
CTBC17-Cable1470MMConnection cable 1470 ± 30 mmB98080542

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